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Our parish safeguarding officer is Barbara Turnbull

Please see the Diocesan Safeguarding and Pastoral Care information here:


Our priority is to provide a safe environment for everyone in our church, so we strongly encourage everyone to undertake some training in safeguarding so that they can play their part in doing so.  Please follow this link to access training

'Safespaces' is a support service that is an independent organisation which not only supports victims of abuse in the Church but also evaluates the support that they have been given.  Their webpage is here:  

The email address is:

Oct 2022 - Bishop Administrator's letter to parishes regarding the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) CLICK HERE  

The parish of Our Lady's Marnhull (Dorset) covers the towns and villages of: Bourton, Buckhorn Weston, Child Okeford, East Orchard and West Orchard, East Stour and West Stour, Stour Provost, Stour Row, Fifehead Magdalen, Fifehead Neville & Fifehead St Quentin, Gillingham, Hammoon, Hazelbury Bryan, Hinton St Mary, Kington Magna, Lydlinch, Manston, Margaret Marsh, Marnhull, Milton on Stour, Okeford Fitzpaine, Silton, Stalbridge, Sturminster Newton, Todber & Kings Stag.

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© 2016 Marnhull & Gillingham RC Parish

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