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English tea with scones and clotted cream, jam, strawberries on the white table, copy spac

Caring for God's House - urgently needed!

Please ring Eileen: 01963 364079

Can you help with anything on the list?

***Parish Evangelisation Group***

The parish evangelisation group meets at Our Lady's parish room every third Thursday evening of each month. This begins at with half an hour of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in church, then moves to the parish room to discuss encounters and plan activities for the season. We try to limit meetings to one hour.  Everyone is welcome, including friends! Those needing transport, please contact Tony Moore or Deacon James. Many blessings, Tony.



29th July 2023


We are delighted to say that the Diocese has made an offer to the Methodists to purchase the church and buildings in the High Street in Gillingham and that it has been accepted.

Once contracts have been completed the Diocese will pay for the church and buildings from central funds and then gift them to the parish for our use in perpetuity. The Parish will then take on the responsibility for the cost of repairs and conversion and fund these from our own parochial resources. These costs will be met from the sale of the Marnhull Presbytery and St Benedict’s Gillingham. In order to make it truly beautiful and worthy of the celebration of the sacraments we will need to raise some further funds for reordering of the inside – more on this later.

Once conversion of the flat in the new church is complete the Parish Priest will move permanently from Marnhull to live in Gillingham.

To ensure continuity of worship St Benedict’s will not be sold until we have moved to the new church. The gap in finances will be covered by a free loan from the Diocese.

Our Lady’s Church in Marnhull, a spiritual gem, will remain the parish church and the sacraments will continue to be celebrated in what is the oldest parish church in the diocese. The school and carpark will also be unaffected.

More updates will be published as things happen – watch this space





29 lipca 2023 r  


Z radością informujemy, że diecezja złożyła Metodystom ofertę dotyczącą kościoła i budynków przy High Street w Gillingham i że oferta została przyjęta.  

Po podpisaniu umowy diecezja sfinansuje zakup kościoła i budynków z funduszy centralnych, a następnie przekaże je parafii do wieczystego użytku. Następnie parafia weźmie na siebie odpowiedzialność za koszty napraw i przebudowy, i sfinansuje je z własnych zasobów parafialnych. Koszty te zostaną pokryte ze sprzedaży plebani w Marnhull i kościoła pod wezwaniem Św. Benedykta w Gillingham. Aby było można godne sprawować sakramenty, trzeba będzie zebrać dodatkowe środki na uporządkowanie wnętrza – o tym później.  

Po zakończeniu przebudowy mieszkania przy nowym kościele ksiądz proboszcz przeniesie się na stałe z Marnhull do Gillingham.  

Aby zapewnić ciągłość kultu, kościół pw. św. Benedykta nie zostanie sprzedany, dopóki nie przeprowadzimy się do nowego kościoła; lukę w finansach pokryje bezpłatna pożyczka z diecezji.  

Kościół pw. Najświętszej Marii Panny w Marnhull, klejnot duchowy, pozostanie kościołem parafialnym, a sakramenty nadal będą sprawowane w tym najstarszym kościele parafialnym w diecezji. Szkoła i parking również pozostaną nienaruszone.  

Więcej aktualizacji zostanie opublikowanych w miarę rozwoju wydarzeń.

Divine Renovation

It was a real delight to see about 20 parishioners answer the call to gather for a live broadcast of a conversation between Bishop Robert Barron, Father James Mallon and Rev. Nicky Gumble which addressed the question: What is God saying to the Church right now?  Sadly, Tony Moore, who had been due to deal with the IT, had been ‘pinged’ so was unable to be with us.  This meant a few frantic moments as I battled with wires and laptops and TV screens, but the gremlins were subdued in good time so that we only missed a minute or two of introductions.  I have transcribed the main points of what was said and these are circulated with the newsletter email and available on the parish website here.  At the end we agreed that the webcast had inspired us, given us some ideas of what could be done and that we intend to take action on evangelisation and respond in faith to the current situation.  So watch this space!  As it was Shrove Tuesday, we continued our lively conversation over some wonderful food and drink.  We had a great time, building our friendship and finding unity and support, rejuvenated in our faith and our commitment to share our Good News.   Fr. Francis

 If you would like to watch a recording of the Divine Renovation webcast which we watched together on Shrove Tuesday, here’s a link to it on Youtube:


One of the highlights, spiritually and emotionally, was the procession to the Altar of Repose on Maundy Thursday.  This experience of walking with the Lord into the Garden of Gethsemane to keep watch with Him as he prayed was deepened by setting up a temporary altar in the cemetery next to St. Benedict’s (with the kind approval of the Mayor’s Executive Assistant).  The experience was made even better by the lovely spring evening and the birds singing their hearts out. Below are a few photographs, to bring back happy memories:

The parish of Our Lady's Marnhull (Dorset) covers the towns and villages of: Bourton, Buckhorn Weston, Child Okeford, East Orchard and West Orchard, East Stour and West Stour, Stour Provost, Stour Row, Fifehead Magdalen, Fifehead Neville & Fifehead St Quentin, Gillingham, Hammoon, Hazelbury Bryan, Hinton St Mary, Kington Magna, Lydlinch, Manston, Margaret Marsh, Marnhull, Milton on Stour, Okeford Fitzpaine, Silton, Stalbridge, Sturminster Newton, Todber & Kings Stag.

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