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15th Week of Ordinary Time   14th July 2024                 Psalter Week 3
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  • Our Lady's & St Benedict's Newsletter with the parish news.  Click image (left) to download

  • If anyone would like to help with any other aspect of parish life, please see the Parish Life page for ideas and contact details.

  • See below for Parish bank account details, collections & Sweepstake info

  • We are looking for some more volunteers to clean Our Lady’s & St Benedict’s – please email  if you’re able to help.

  • Please scroll down for Events, Retreats & Pilgrimages

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Please pray for the sick of the parish: David Parish, Coral Harrow, Betty Walford, Joyce West, Barbara Frost, Tony White, Bob Horton, Hilary & Clive Drake, Jeremy Cusden, Jan Carson, Nigel & Sarah Mackay, Pippa Turnbull, Brian White, John Graham, Merle Evans, Jane Rawe, Tony Moore


If anyone knows anyone sick or housebound and would like a visit, please let Fr Cletus or the Deacons know.

'Holy Spirit, make my heart open to the word of God, make my heart open to goodness, make my heart open to the beauty of God every day.' Pope Francis



We welcome our new priest, Fr Cletus (pronounced Claytus) also on loan from Nigeria. He has been Assistant Priest at Newton Abbot for the past few months and is now here to run our parish for the foreseeable future. We offer him our warmest welcome and look forward to his time with us.

St Benedict's Feast Day on 11th July

The Holy Mass was beautiful with hymns befitting the Feast Day of our Church's Saint.  Around 40 parishioners joined Fr Cletus at The Old Brewery in Wyke Road for lunch and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.  Thank you to Sylvie and Heather for all their hard work in organising. Photos to follow!

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from all the Parish to
who will celebrate her 100th birthday on 20th July

St Mary’s School Tea Party for Parishioners on 17th July

All Parishioners are cordially invited to a tea party on Wednesday 17th July, 1.30-2.30pm in the School Hall.

RSVP via the school office by Monday 15th July

Tel: 01258 820417

The Grassfly Foundation Home of Chances. Please come to a talk by Kenneth and Lali Bowa on life in an orphanage in Zambia on Wednesday 17th July at 6.30pm . , in The Vicarage Schoolroom, Queen Street Gillingham (opposite the Anglican Church steps)To find out more about this charity, click on the link: Home - Grassfly Foundation

Sycamore Course continues on 18th July at 4.00pm in St Benedict’s.

The next Sycamore session will be: A GOD WHO SPEAKS? And thereafter: 12th Sep WHO IS JESUS? 26th Sep THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE CHURCH 10th Oct THE BIBLE Please go to the Sycamore website for many interesting (and free) resources to support and deepen your Catholic faith.


23rd July, 6.30pm in Our Lady’s Side Chapel - Film Night: Catholicism

On 23rd July at 6.30pm we will be showing Bishop Barron’s series on Catholicism: Journey around the world and deep into the Catholic Faith in all its richness, history, beauty, goodness, and truth in breath-taking, high definition cinematography. Travel with acclaimed author, speaker and theologian Bishop Robert Barron to more than 50 locations throughout 15 countries. You'll be illuminated by the spiritual and artistic treasures of this global culture, claiming more than one billion of Earth’s people. From the sacred lands of Israel to the beating heart of Uganda; from the glorious shrines of Italy, France, and Spain to the streets of Mexico, Kolkata, and New York City; the fullness of CATHOLICISM is revealed. The same episode will be repeated on Sat 27th July after Mass and thereafter this 10 part series will be shown fortnightly on Tuesdays & Saturdays

FAITH MOVEMENT are running their youth events again

and the FAITH SUMMER SESSION is being held at Ampleforth this year from 29th July to 2nd August. It is open to 16-30 year olds and includes talks about the catholic faith as well as opportunities to socialise with other young Catholics. They definitely still have spaces. FAITH SUMMER BREAK is aimed at 11-15 year olds and this year it is being held at St Mary's Ascot on 12th-15th August. For more details about both events and Faith Movement, see

Come and meet the Architect and hear about the plans for the New Church Wednesday 7th August at 6.30pm

Whilst work on the new church seems to have been slow in fact a great deal has been achieved. Condition, Structural and Asbestos Surveys have all been completed. Full technical drawings produced. Planning permission for the Presbytery granted. Design of the Presbytery completed. Design of the Vestry, Office, Sacristy, Sanctuary, Church, Narthex, Balcony all well advanced. A full Roof Survey has also been completed and repairs currently are under way. Works on the Presbytery are being sent out to tender very soon. Come and hear about the project and meet the architect, Phillip Hughes Associates, and members of the design team in the new church on Wednesday 7th August at 6.30pm

“Where two or three are gathered together …”

A very encouraging first MARTHA & MARY Group met last Monday - many thanks to everyone who came along and for their valuable comments and suggestions. There is much to pray about and reflect upon as we seek to clarify the needs of women of all ages & their vocations within the Church. Our next meeting will be on Friday 16th August at 10am, venue tbc. In seeking a balance, the first part will be focussed on our spiritual growth within Church Tradition; in the second part (after refreshments), those who wish can share ideas for any practical service we want to offer to the Parish & beyond. Annette

Summer Parish Tea Party - Save the Date!

There will be a Tea party for parishioners on 31st August at 3pm, please save the date

The Sons and Daughters of God - Message & Invitation

The Sons and Daughters of God (I Figlii di Dio) is a worldwide community based on prayer. Every Friday at 7 pm (after Benediction at 6.30pm), there will be weekly meetings at Saint Edward's Church, Shaftesbury, to which all are invited. If you would like to find out more please contact Shaun MacLoughlin on 07568942164 or David Minto on 07889035898.

Also please see Home | Comunità dei Figli di Dio (

Diocese of Plymouth Synodal Update July 2024 from Fr. Paul Keys

Synodal-newsletter-July-24.pdf (


Caritas Diocese of Plymouth July Newsletter

Please click the link to read this month’s newsletter about upcoming events and news of love in action around the diocese. or visit

Gillingham Food Bank Appeal

If every Parishioner brought in just one item, this would make a huge difference.

To make a financial contribution, please visit the website:

School Transport grants for the academic year 2024-25

The Diocese of Plymouth is now taking applications from parents/guardians wishing to apply for grants for transport to a Catholic or Catholic/CofE school situated in the Diocese of Plymouth. Applications for the academic year 2024-5 must be submitted in writing and be signed by the Parish Priest. Families will be notified at the start of the Autumn term if their application has been successful. There are limited funds and not all applications may be successful. You can obtain an application form from the parish office. (Deborah Fisher, Caritas Manager)

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GDPR Forms - Please help by filling out a form

As a result of a change in UK law, we now need your consent as to how we contact you. As a Diocese we are committed to ensuring that information we hold about individuals is properly and securely managed in accordance with legal requirements on data protection and direct marketing. I would be very grateful if you would complete a GDPR form at the back of the church, or download it here and return it in a sealed envelope to the Deacons. Hopefully it is self-explanatory but if you have any questions don’t hesitate to email me at or telephone on 01258 820388 (Mon, Weds, Fri 9am-1pm). Many thanks, Harriet (Parish Secretary)

Bank Details


Sort Code   55-61-09  

Account  Number 07388381  

A/C Name -   PRCDTR Marnhull R.C. Parish

Natwest Blandford Forum.   

Please make cheques payable to “PRCDTR Marnhull RC Parish”  and send to : The Parish Priest, The Presbytery, Old Mill Lane, MARNHULL, DT10 1JX.


Please consider donating via Standing Order. Whether you are a tax payer or not this is a simple method, and even better for fundraising is the option of Gift Aid from taxpayers. If you would like applications for either or both of these it would be most valuable to the parish -please contact the Treasurer, Pam Snell - via:   

Online banking payments is another alternative but the REFERENCE FIELD  i.e. your surname and gift aid envelope number, must be completed so that we can identify donors. This is particularly important if you are a taxpayer allowing Gift Aid reimbursements, although non-tax payers can use this method also.  For forms and further information please phone Pamela Snell [ Parish Treasurer] on:  email: 

Gift Aid 2024

The Gift Aid envelopes for tax year 2024/25 are now available at the back of each church. Apologies for the delay in getting them to you. Any queries please contact Paul Bowe at


Buckfast Abbey Events & Retreats

Garden Retreat 14th-18th October 2024.  For more information & to book:

Pilgrimage to Medjugorje 17th-24th September: £799 Flying from Bournemouth airport Spiritual Director: Fr Chris Findlay-Wilson (01202 746539)



Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage 26th July - 1st Aug

Here’s your chance to join us at Our Lady’s beautiful shrine this year; let’s go and bring some blessings back for our diocese! For more info, email Father Christopher Findlay on: or telephone:  (01202) 746539

Adults: 6 Nights £955 per person sharing

For Info click here

For Booking Form click here

Youth Pilgrimage 6 nights £495

For Info click here

For Booking Form click here

Fr Joseph and the children of St Mary's RC School Marnhull at their annual May procession 2024
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New Lectionary in Church & Missals

The Lectionary we use in church is changing. The new one will be used for all liturgy from 1st Sunday in Advent this year, so if you are tempted to buy a new Missal, it would be sensible to wait until the new edition is published in December 2024. The current missal will remain valid for all the prayers of the liturgy, it is just the readings that are changing.

Update on the New Church

We have now taken possession of the new church in Gillingham High Street. Renovation and conversion, taking approximately 6 months, will prepare the building for Catholic worship and community uses (within the mission of the Church). We have appointed a project manager, Philip Hughes Associates of Wincanton who will be responsible for all the internal and external works, and he will be supervised by Plymouth Diocese Property Commission and Father Joseph.


Planning permission is being sought to convert a portion of the ancillary church facilities into priests’ residential accommodation (a presbytery), and to form a new vehicular access and parking area off Barnaby Mead. We have had positive feedback from Dorset County Council for our initial planning enquiry. We will be creating a beautiful Sanctuary, installing a Confessional, creating a Sacristy, Vestry and Parish Office.

The dedication (name) of the church will be decided in due course by the Bishop of Plymouth. From a redundant Army church, we have acquired , a beautiful altar, font and ambo made from Portland Stone, and they are stored with the stonemason. Some repair works to the building will start very soon. The intention is to enable this building to be converted, repaired and strengthened to sustainably meet the spiritual and pastoral needs of the community for many years to come. Once up and running this means that within our parish we will have the oldest and the newest churches in the diocese. Our Lady’s Marnhull is an historical and spiritual gem and it will remain the parish church and Mass will continue to be celebrated there. The new church will meet the varied and growing needs of our parish. Praise be to God.

The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, in conjunction with the Knights of St Columba, has launched a new prayer effort called, ‘Let Life Flourish: A Spiritual Bouquet.’ We are calling all people, Catholics especially, to pray for the protection of human life from conception to natural death. We are in a situation currently, where the legal framework for abortion may be voted down in parliament so that babies can be aborted with impunity up to birth and there will be no penalty for disposing of the body of a full-term baby. A concerted prayer effort is needed to combat this evil. Please go to and register the prayers you wish to contribute to this effort.
This is a timely pro-life opportunity for us to support an amendment to our abortion law which would reduce the time limit for legal abortion from 24 weeks to 22 weeks. Babies born prematurely at 22 weeks are thriving so there is a contradiction in our abortion law. Please collect a postcard today from the back of the church and post it to your MP in support of the amendment. (Polling from ComRes has shown that 70% of British women favour a reduction in the time limit from 24 weeks to 20 weeks or below).

Hospital Stays

f you have a stay in hospital and would like a priest to visit you, it is worth making a point of saying so to the nurse who admits you or getting someone to tell the Catholic Chaplain. Otherwise data protection rules may prevent the word getting through. Also, let the parish priest know, and try to make sure your records are up-to-date as far as your religion is concerned; apparently such records are not infrequently out of date or erroneous. This can of course be another reason why a priest wouldn’t be aware that you were in hospital.


CAFOD Free Will Writing service/ CAFOD Side by Side Magazine

“Gifts in Wills pay for over a third of our development work. With a gift in your Will, many more families can access nourishing food, clean water, and the tools they need to build a better life and a brighter future.” Details on the CAFOD website https:// or speak to Steve Carrivick in our parish. Please take a copy of the latest CAFOD magazine.which has details of the funds raised & much more. If you would like to know more about CAFOD or consider becoming a Parish Volunteer, please speak to Steve Carrivick:

Recycle your used ink cartridges and raise money for the Catholic Children’s Society, Plymouth at the same time. Please place used cartridges in the boxes in Our Lady’s Side Chapel and in the porch of St Benedict’s. Thank you.

English tea with scones and clotted cream, jam, strawberries on the white table, copy spac

Click the various links to see news of events in the parish, and the Synod page  with updates.


Caritas and Cafod

Children's Society 

Aid to the Church in Need

And other organisations to put us in touch with those who need our help.

The parish of Our Lady's Marnhull (Dorset) covers the towns and villages of: Bourton, Buckhorn Weston, Child Okeford, East Orchard and West Orchard, East Stour and West Stour, Stour Provost, Stour Row, Fifehead Magdalen, Fifehead Neville & Fifehead St Quentin, Gillingham, Hammoon, Hazelbury Bryan, Hinton St Mary, Kington Magna, Lydlinch, Manston, Margaret Marsh, Marnhull, Milton on Stour, Okeford Fitzpaine, Silton, Stalbridge, Sturminster Newton, Todber & Kings Stag.

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Web Contact    (for contacting web admin.       For the priest or deacons - see Contact's page)

© 2016 Marnhull & Gillingham RC Parish

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